Saturday, October 29, 2005

hey all

I figured I'd add something to da blog here.
check out my rockin' axe's new paint job, I'm pretty
happy with the way it turned out. I've dubbed it
"Mjolnir" hammer of thunder.
you can now check out my band "the bookburners" on
I got a few songs up there, they're pretty strange but what else do you expect?. anyway I'll leave this as it is and write back something later.



Jennifer B. said...

Soundin' good, Pat -- be sure to let us know when your next gig is, hey?

David Martingale said...


Scott Keating said...

I don't find it particularly wierd, but it's pretty good. If you're interested in generating a huge pool of listeners, you should send your songs to warrene ellis's 'The Apparat Programme'.

He basically takes songs from anyone in the world and redistributes them via his intensely popular webpage ( He's getting upwards of 10,000 hits a day ).

Anyway, here's the info ( From his webpage )

"As of last night, the Apparat Programme has 372 subscribers. Programme 1 was also direct-downloaded 1,865 times. Programme 2 was direct-downloaded 1146 times. Direct downloads of previous Programmes: 1 | 2

If you want your music to be included in an Apparat Programme, send your mp3s to

And if you enjoyed the Programme, please spread the word, linking back to this post. You can also vote for the Programme here. "