Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Weird new painting

Pony Ride, acrylic on wood, 20"x24"
I had a piece of wood so I made this painting... I was going for a crappy, drab sort of mood, but it's a pretty cheery looking piece, hey? Anyway, it was a bit fun to paint. Maybe I will go back and do some more blind contours next.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cartoons of cartoony looking people

I found these two ladies in Vice Magazine's hilarious Dos and Don'ts.

The chick looked so much like a Jamie Hewlett drawing that I had to draw her. The self-caricature on the left was me trying to push towards the kind of extreme grotesquery practiced by the lovely Marlo Meekins.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rare 'n' unreleased!

These strips were either unfunny or didn't gel with the rest or didn't make any sense or all three. I have no idea what the bottom one is about.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

New Stuff by People We Know!

Some exciting projects on the g-o for b'ys this month!

Visit every Wednesday to see new pages from the graphic novel that Scott Keating is illustrating, Chopper Zombie!
And, In Stores Now! The Underworld Railroad, illustrated by Mr. Paul Tucker.

Available in St. John's at Timemasters or from Paul himself. And from .