Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, I figure I should toss something up here on the 'ol blog. It's something I did for a friend of mine for Halloween. It's just a remix of the old Gone with the Wind poster. So, I guess it made it into an 80's zombie flick. Check it out!


David Martingale said...

Does the punk chick spend the entire movie naked for no apparent reason?

Patrick Thomas Canning said...

very nice, very nice. what was this for again?

Scott Keating said...

Yeah, the punk chick is definately naked most of the movie. It's a tradition!

It was just done for kicks really, a friend of mine suggested it for something he was working on.

Jennifer B. said...

A technical question: How did you manage to recreate the font for the new text in the title?

Scott Keating said...

Oh, the text isn't matched exactly. It's just some generic 'western' photoshop font that I masked a did a little painting on in order to get that gold look. Then I stroked the layer with black for the outline. I think it looks like the original mostly because of the color and layout moreso than the actual shape of the text.